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This is an implementation of the PropertyCross app using Onsen UI. Onsen UI is a free and open source hybrid app framework released under the Apache License. It provides native-like UI components using HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. It's built using Angular directives to provide custom tags. The framework includes useful components like sliding menu, list view, dialogs, etc. that are all optimized for mobile development.
Although Onsen UI is designed to be used with any SPA framework, since it's built using Angular they work great together when designing apps. In the PropertyCross implementation Angular controllers and services are used for the application logic.
To view the code and detailed build steps, see the github source.
Related links
Source Code - The full source code is available on Github.
Blog - OnsenUI's blog is updated regularly with news about releases, meetups and example apps built using OnsenUI.
Guide to OnsenUI - A guide explaining all areas of OnsenUI in detail.
Forum - OnsenUI has an active forum where people share their own experiences and questions about OnsenUI.
OnsenUI on Twitter - Regularly updated with information about releases, features and links to articles.
OnsenUI on Stackoverflow - Questions and answers relating to OnsenUI on Stackoverflow.