Delphi [Object Pascal]


Embarcadero Delphi is an integrated development environment for developing applications across a range of platforms. Applications are written using Object Pascal and the FireMonkey UI framework. The latest release of Delphi XE5 supports mobile development on both iOS and Android, as well as desktop platforms.

Delphi applications are written using the Delphi XE5 IDE which has a graphical UI editor for mobile applications. Deployment to iOS requires tcp access to a Mac with the Xcode command-line tools, with the Delphi IDE communicating to the Mac via a 'PAServer' agent. Deployment to Android can all be done from Windows. Applications written using Delphi present a fully native user interface.

To view the code and detailed build steps, see the github source.

Official Firemonkey Website - The official Firemonkey website provides useful articles and information about the framework.

Official Firemonkey Guide - An excellent guide that can be used to get started with Firemonkey.

Official Firemonkey Twitter - The Firemonkey Twitter account provides information on future releases, framework features and meetups. It also posts useful articles related to the framework.

Stackoverflow Questions - Helpful questions and answers relating to Firemonkey on Stackoverflow.

Framework example contributed by